Weston Berg - Senior in Computer Engineering
Bio Switched into Computer Engineering after two and a half years studying Industrial Engineering. Developed an interest in Embedded Systems after attending CPRE 288. Work completed on project: Researched options for chassis, motors, and wheels for robot. Lead on part sourcing and ordering and ensuring that components were compatible. Developed software to control robot's various peripherals (DC motors, stepper motor, camera). Assisted development of robot's mainloop software and ultrasonic sensor control.
Zhihao Cao - Senior in Electrical Engineering
Bio Major in Electronic Engineering. I am interested in semiconductor and signal & system areas. Working on distance sensors in Goose Chaperone Project.
Alec Morris - Senior in Software Engineering
Bio Senior Design student majoring in Software Engineering. Background in Java, Web Development, and concurrent programming. Will be working on path learning algorithms for the robot to be truly automated as well as helping wherever needed, especially with GPS integration.
Johnson Phan - Senior in Computer Engineering
Bio I major in Computer Engineering. For this project, I researched the microcontroller, coding samples and methods related to project, and developed several designs for our project. I have researched, analyzed, and written down the list of costs for the materials needed for the project design.
Woodrow Scott - Senior in Software Engineering
Bio Software Engineer Developing and testing image recognition, and focusing on software environment for the Beaglebone.